Candle Magick

1) Set your intention: The first thing to ask yourself in candle magick is [whether] you want to attract or banish something. Getting clear about what you’re trying to do will make the rest of this process much easier. If you want to carve your intention into your candle, make sure you’re concise and know what you want to write. You can also write this on a piece of paper (known as a petition) and have it near your candle when it’s burning.

2) Pick your candle and color: You can use white candles for pretty much anything, though they work especially well for attracting and manifesting, while black candle work is best for repelling or banishing. You can also look up colors specific to your intention, and select your candle from there. (Just to get you started, use red for sexual energy and passion; pink for love or self-love; orange for creativity and vitality; yellow for inspiration; green for money; blue for peace and health; purple for psychic connection, etc.)

Next, think about what kind of magick you’re going to be doing. If you’re only going to be working on the spell for one night (like on the full or new moon), then you may want to pick a chime candle or votive candle. If you’re doing a spell over a period of days (like from the new moon to full moon), you may want to pick a bigger candle like a seven-day candle or a taper candle, which will burn for longer.

3) Pick any oils or herbs you’re going to use to dress your candle: Anointing your candle is the process of dressing it in herbs and oils. You can always use extra virgin olive oil or an oil blend specific to what magick you’re working (like a love or money oil). You can also use essential oils and herbs that correspond to your magick as well, like rose for love, eucalyptus for healing and protection, mugwort for psychic connection, etc. You can look online for herbs specific to your magick or check out this list.

4) Anoint your candle: Thinking about carving your intention into your candle? Now is the time. You can use a pen and inscribe your candle with any magical symbols or runes, or simply write your intention on your candle. When writing your intention, write from the top to the middle, and then the bottom to the middle of the candle. When you’re ready to anoint your candle, rub your chosen oil in your hands and then, if you're manifesting, put it on your candle from the top to the middle, and then the bottom to the middle. If you're banishing, put the oil on from the middle to the top, and then the middle to the bottom. Do the same thing with herbs, sprinkling them on every side of the candle. You can also use another candle in the same color to drip wax atop of the herbs so they stay. Either way, you don’t need a ton of herbs; you want your candle to light without catching any excess herbs on fire. 

5) Create a ritual or spell: Once you have your candle ready to go, it’s time to ritualize it! Think of your own practice and your intention and get crafting. Try cleansing your space with sacred herbs like palo santo, sage, or sweet grass; also, think about taking a salt bath and putting on some relaxing music. Let any roomies or significant others know not to distract you, and start to connect to your breath. If it’s in your practice to cast a circle or ground, do that! You can also create an altar dedicated to your candle spell and what you’re calling in or releasing.

When you’re ready, light your candle and state your intention. Take some time to meditate on the flame, or simply reconnect to your body and breath. If your candle spell is only for this day, let your candle burn all the way down. If it’s going to stretch over a few days — and this is important! — use a candle snuffer or a fan to put out your candle. Don’t blow it out! Relight your candle every day until the spell is finished. When you’re done with your ritual, connect back to Earth (my favorite way is by pressing my head into the Earth like in child’s pose) and thank the universe for her magick.

6) Disposing of wax: If you can, find an intersection where you can throw away your wax. You can also throw it out normally (i.e. in the garbage) if necessary. You can also keep a jar of your candle remains.

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