Spring Cleaning Ritual

Spring Cleaning Rituals can help you create space and renewal in your home, workplace, and life. By cleaning, decluttering and making space we transition from winter to spring. Your Spring Cleaning Ritual should be as personal as possible, so do what aligns with you and really make it your own.

1. Set Intentions:

To start, set intentions for what you want to release from your life and make a plan to get organized, clear out the clutter, and embrace renewal in different areas of your life. Take a few moments to close your eyes and envision what renewal would look and feel like for you.

2. Organize & Clean Your Physical Space:

When it comes to organizing the physical space around you, go room by room. Start in any room that feels right for you. If possible, open up your windows while you clean to let fresh air into your home—even if only for a few minutes! This works wonders to bring in new energy. I love burning Song of India incense sticks throughout my house. 

Think about how grateful you are for your home and everything in it. Think about cleaning and organizing as a way to show appreciation for your space by taking care of it.

3. Organize & Declutter Your Digital Life:

Take time to organize and declutter your digital space. Organize the apps on your phone, close open browsing tabs, unfollow social media accounts that don’t inspire or educate you, and maybe even delete social media apps that are no longer serving you. Remove old contacts that you’re never going to get in touch with again. Organize your computer desktop and downloads folder. Sort through your email inbox and unsubscribe from email lists that are cluttering up your inbox. 

4. Address Emotional & Mental Clutter:

 We can easily get caught up in the whirlwind of our daily lives and neglect to take time for ourselves. When we are exhausted and overwhelmed, our mental health suffers. It’s important to remember that rest is essential to our well-being. In your journal, evaluate your activities, routines, job, and relationships, and make a plan to find time for activities that make you feel restored, and create space in your schedule for those things that bring you joy.
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